The distance between consecutive perfect squares is not uniform:
First few perfect squares
The size of the space between $n^2$ and $(n+1)^2$ is $2n + 1$, intuitively
evidenced by the growth in the spacing of the visualization above.
Now, take a look at the distance between consecutive integer square roots:
First few integer square roots
In particular, observe the spacing of integer square roots between $4$ and $9$ -
at one degree of precision, they are uniformly distributed!
To me, this trend is significantly less intuitive. It makes sense in the "what
else is expected?" kind-of way, but that expectation isn't very satisfying. So
here are a few other ways of understanding the spacing.
1: From the Spacing of Squares
For $n \in \mathbb{N}$, between $n^2$ and $(n+1)^2$ are the natural numbers
$n^2+1, n^2+2, \ldots, n^2 + 2n$. So between $n$ and $n+1$, there is a set of
integer square root reals
$S = \left\{\sqrt{n^2+1}, \sqrt{n^2+2}, \ldots, \sqrt{n^2 + 2n}\right\}$, and
$|S| = 2n$. Now, because $S_{i+1} > S_i$, we can make an
argumentsomewhat similar
to the pigeonhole principle that for $n$ large, there are a large number of integer
square roots in the 1-unit interval $(n, n+1)$, giving the perception of uniformity
of the monotonically increasing set $S$.
But this explanation is not rigorous, and leaves one hungry for a more elegant
2: From Tangents
Take a look at $f(x) = \sqrt{x}$:
$f(x) = \sqrt{x}$ and its tangents, $\frac{d}{dx} f(x)$ on $x\pm 0.5, x\in[0,16]$
Observe that for $n$ large, the slopes of the tangents of $f(x)$ at $n$ and
$n+1$ are small and very similar, implying
that there is little variation in the value of the function at $n$ and $n+1$,
the variation between $n$ and $n+1$ is very similar to the variation between
$n+1$ and $n+2$.
And that's enough needed for a beautiful reasoning of the relative uniformity of
integer square roots!
The great thing about this kind of reasoning is it also explains the increasing
spacing between nodes of an exponential function, like $x^2$ or $e^x$. In both
of these cases, the slopes of pointwise tangent lines are increasing,
corresponding to the increasing rate of change in the spacing between e.g.
perfect squares.
3: A remix
To understand the previous reasoning a different way, consider
$f(x) = \sqrt{x + 1} - \sqrt{x}$.
$f(x) = \sqrt{x + 1} - \sqrt{x}$
The difference between consecutive integer square roots decreases
asymptotically, and thus we have that there is a relative uniformity in their
spacing -- especially at large integer values.
An Application
A friend asked what practical purpose knowing the spacing of integer square
roots serves. One useful application is in square root approximation - knowing
that integer square roots are approximately uniform especially at large numbers,
we can say that for an integer $q$, $\sqrt{q} \approx n + \frac{q-n^2}{2n+1}$,
$n = {\lfloor{\sqrt{q}}\rfloor}$For example, $10.724 = \sqrt{115} \approx 10.714 = \sqrt{100} + \frac{15}{21}$..